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Beachguide » Marloes Sands
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Marloes Sands

Isolated stretch of sand with rocky outcrops along its length
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2nd May 2004
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Marloes sands is a beautiful, isolated stretch of sand with rocky outcrops along its length. It is rarely busy and out of season if you make the effort to walk to the beach you are likely to have it to yourself.

From the beach there are good views out to Skokholm and Gateholm Islands, the latter of which is at the NW end of the beach and can be reached on foot at low tide. The remains of neolithic to medieval settlements can be found on the island.

Surfing here can be excellent, but the walk to the beach tends to deter most. This means that it can be well worth the effort as the waves are consistent and never crowded. Watch out for the rising tide though as it can cover the whole beach cutting you off.

Windsurfing here is possible (W-NW winds) but not really practical due to the difficult access. To get to Marloes Sands, head to Marloes on the B4327 and just before the village turn off to Marloes Mere where you will find the car park and a signpost for the 1km walk to the beach.
Sports Suitability
Surfing starstarstar
Surf Conditions at Marloes Sands can be Excellent
Buggying star
Buggying Conditions at Marloes Sands can be OK
Windsurfing star
Windsurfing Conditions at Marloes Sands can be OK
kitesurfing starstar
Kitesurfing Conditions at Marloes Sands can be Good
Wind Suitability
Windsurfing at Marloes Sands Kitesurfing at Marloes Sands
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE

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